Prof Irwin King
Chair and Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Irwin King is a distinguished scholar in machine intelligence, currently serving as the Chair and Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. With a broad range of research interests covering areas such as machine learning, social computing, AI, and data mining, Professor King is a Fellow of prestigious societies and associations, including the IEEE, INNS, AAIA, HKIE, and ACM Distinguished Member. Professor King is a dedicated and passionate educator who previously served as the Associate Dean (Education). He directs the ELearning Innovation Technology (ELITE) Centre, which promotes the use of technology for online teaching and learning in content creation, pedagogy development, and assessment. In addition, he is the creator and Principal Investigator for the Knowledge and Education Exchange Platform (KEEP), a platform designed to promote eLearning. He is also the creator of the VeriGuide System, a plagiarism detection system that helps educational institutions to uphold academic honesty, integrity, and quality.