Prof. Cecilia K Y Chan
Professor, Faculty of Education/Associate Director
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Cecilia Chan has a dual-discipline background with expertise in both engineering and education, particularly in higher education; she plays a key role in enhancing engineering and science education, as well as teaching and learning in higher education. Her combined expertise in these fields have enabled her to lead and conduct research on topics such as assessment and feedback, experiential learning, technology-enhanced learning, artificial intelligence in education and the development and assessment of 21st century skills (holistic competencies) from East to West.
Prof. Chan has been invited as a keynote speaker and panel speaker at many international conferences. She holds a PhD in Engineering from Trinity College, and a postgraduate diploma and MA in Higher Education. She also holds a Fellowship from King’s College London and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Prof. Chan is involved in over 40 research projects (with 5 GRFs awarded by the Education panel). She received the HKU Young Outstanding Researcher Award in 2014-15 and more recently, the Faculty Knowledge Exchange award. She is the President of the Asian Society for Engineering Education and associate editor for both the Journal of Engineering Education and Studies in Educational Evaluation.
Prof. Chan has developed student-centred frameworks, instruments, and practical approaches to promote competencies development, and is a pioneer in the investigation of competencies assessment literacy. Her work is being employed around the world and also being adopted by software companies. She has received industry donations and UGC matching funds to support her work in this area as she continues to work closely with organisations worldwide to promote holistic competencies development.
More information can be found in the Teaching and Learning Enhancement and Research Group (TLERG) website: https://tlerg.cetl.hku.hk/